Battle Cry

We continue fighting this month.

Last week we fought for Easy Laundry, and it was fun to read all the great comments on the Facebook link.

This week is a very different and important fight.

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As we honour those who sacrificed for our freedom today, Remembrance Day, let’s also remember those under great spiritual attack.

The interplay of COVID-19, the US election, racism, and other ‘isms’ feels like WWIII in the making but one war has raged through every period of history—led by a tyrant who tortures souls.


Last month as I engaged in our church’s commissioning prayer at the end of the online service, and cried “here I am Lord” on the hotel room floor, I began to grieve for those unconscious on the battlefield—asleep to their purpose, drunk with addiction, dead to life, without vision.

Some of the very children who shone the brightest are under a dark cloud of deception.

When I get closer, past the labels, I see their happiness is a charade. Their eyes and haunting cries are begging for freedom.  

I want to scream don't do this, your story is not written, come back!  

Instead, I whisper Jesus come.

From flat on my face, heaving ugly cries of surrender, I know Jesus is carrying His cross to each one of us, tearing off labels, melting our broken bits and pieces together, and wrapping blood-stained strips of cloth around our wounds.

As the weeks went on I’d stand and find my knees buckling as the enemy took another cheap shot.

I won’t leave this battle ground, but am vulnerable when darkness comes.

It has been a relief to see a light glowing in the distance—a message of hope for our church and for all Christ-followers.

A pile of armor aglow.

I secure the belt (of truth) around my waist, then put on the breastplate (of righteousness). I step into fitted shoes (the gospel of peace) and fasten my helmet (of salvation). As I lift up the shield (of faith) a light blinds me. It is the sword (of the Spirit)!*

I take a step forward and raise my weapon like a torch in the night sky.

Do you hear it?

The most beautiful sound.  

Children singing.

The war-torn hear it too, they begin to stir and cower under the light as their eyes adjust.

The singing continues.

And day by day I believe Jesus is removing scales from eyes and bringing life to hearts of stone.

My brothers and my sisters, suit up and join in the chorus.

Hands raised

Let's march through the carnage and search for our fallen friends until every last one is found.

Jesus will untwist all the lies of the evil one.

God’s image-bearers will be restored.

He will not leave one behind.

This is my prayer, a vision for all of us to join in heaven's battle cry.

An incredible rescue story is just getting started!

Share in the comments any prayers, visions, prophecies, verses, and words of life to inspire us to keep fighting.  

*Ephesians 6:10-18


Still to come this month, we will:

  • fight for a no-fuss Christmas, and

  • fight human trafficking, with my guest Leah Rempel!

Charlene VandenBrink

Charlene strings together soulful words for life’s beauty and struggles.

When not feeding her six children with good books and endless meals, she can be found walking and talking with neighbours, folding laundry while listening to a podcast, or reading and reflecting on her latest stack of books for seminary.

She also cheers on her husband, who runs their Edmonton-based renovation company. They welcomed six children in eight years and are living the dream of homeschooling and traveling life together!

A No-Fuss Christmas—with 5 questions!


Easy Laundry