Sacred Scars

Face Scar

I used to be self-conscious of the scar by my eye from a childhood accident. I suppose it looks like a deep smile line as I creep closer to 40. From surgeries, injuries, self-harm, and accidents, to c-sections, stretch marks, and age spots—we adapt, cover-up, rehabilitate, and carry-on as wounded warriors.

Some may appear to make it through life unscathed on the outside but certainly none of us do on the inside.

We convince ourselves that our carefully bandaged battle wounds aren't obvious—but they usually are.

Since our world became COVID alert, we have seen and felt old wounds rubbed reckless and fresh wounds rubbed raw.

Words spoken or actions made too quickly—or too slowly.
Addictions. Betrayals.  Injustices. Broken relationships.
All these broken bits and pieces desperate for hope!


I get angry when things start to unsettle my sense of order and control but this fragile piece of my heart is held together by grace and reminds me of the hard-earned lesson—in time—that I gleaned last summer when I had severely messed up the atmosphere of our home with untamed emotions. That story is for another time.

Guilt, shame, and negative thoughts take us down and we grasp for anything that may bring a moment of relief.

How do we process deep hurts and wild emotions?

There are varying levels of harmful ways to mask what is oh-so-flawed, from fleeting sweet bites, numbing sips to spiraling escapes.

The less instantly gratifying way is to commit to doing the good, hard, and deep work of restoring and healing the heart! A journey that will take us to heaven’s gates.

My face scar from that childhood injury subtly shows up on my welcome page photo but I didn't notice it at first. Our open wounds can become faint, whispering: accept your inner scars too. They were bought at a price. Covered by grace. They are a pathway for others to heal.

“He took the punishment, and that made us whole. Through his bruises we get healed. We’re all like sheep who’ve wandered off and gotten lost. We’ve all done our own thing, gone our own way. And God has piled all our sins, everything we’ve done wrong, on him, on him.” Isaiah 53 MSG


Today, let’s take the next step in receiving this free gift of healing and freedom. Maybe it is time to talk to a friend, mentor, pastor, or counselor.  This isn't a sign of weakness—it is a step of hope! We struggle so long to expose the darkness but as we do, the light inspires and restores purpose.

Your heart matters. Don’t let another hour go by without taking a step towards deeper healing.

Maybe you’ve tried before and don’t know if you can hope again. You wonder if this is simply a wound that will always seep.

I pray hope infuses your heart today.

This isn’t just for our own relief but as we continue on a lifelong path of inner healing, our scars will become Jesus’ nail-scarred hands to fellow travelers!

Wounds that heal. Sacred scars.

Can you hear that sound?

It is another heart beating with hope!


If you need help today, please reach out for prayer and I’d be happy to recommend or connect you with supportive resources.

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If you are a person who wants to slow down and care for your soul, this is for you!

Charlene VandenBrink

Charlene strings together soulful words for life’s beauty and struggles.

When not feeding her six children with good books and endless meals, she can be found walking and talking with neighbours, folding laundry while listening to a podcast, or reading and reflecting on her latest stack of books for seminary.

She also cheers on her husband, who runs their Edmonton-based renovation company. They welcomed six children in eight years and are living the dream of homeschooling and traveling life together!

In Time