soul care, home making, guest post Charlene VandenBrink soul care, home making, guest post Charlene VandenBrink

Fostering and Adopting — with the Blanchard Family

One of the first times we hung out she whipped up stacks of pancakes, so the kids and I could stay for supper since my husband was away on a backcountry trip.

Lindsay’s casual hospitality was refreshing and I learned a lot about her big heart, as I asked questions about their family’s fostering and adopting story.

Today you get to eavesdrop on some of the questions I asked at our playdates and glean some great tips if you are on the journey of fostering and adopting, or desire to support a family on this journey.

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book reflection, guest post Timothy Sesink book reflection, guest post Timothy Sesink

The Gospel Comes with a House Key—with Timothy Sesink

With our curbside garages and cavernous homes, high fenced backyards, and tiny bare front lawns, it is easy to understand why we struggle with the simple command of Jesus:

“Love your neighbour.”

Our culture is simply not well set up for it.

We subconsciously embrace an isolationist castle mentality, not only mentally, but in the physical design of our neighborhoods and homes.

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home making, guest post Heather Seutter home making, guest post Heather Seutter

Gardening—with Heather Seutter from Bretona Farm Co.

For those of you who take your deepest breaths in nature and love getting your hands in the soil in the spring, I am right there with you!

This is such a hopeful time of year as we witness the seasons change and feel the sun’s warmth.

Currently, a large portion of my time is devoted to seeds. Purchasing seeds, sowing seeds indoors to get a head start on the season and caring for seedlings. I will always be amazed at the capacity held within a tiny seed and marvel at the miracle of a seed transforming into nourishing food or beautiful flowers.

How imaginatively creative is our God who designed life to grow from a seed!?

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homeschooling, guest post Ashley Olivine homeschooling, guest post Ashley Olivine

Mom Can’t Sleep: The Problem That Lasts Years!

Have you heard the one about the mom who can’t sleep and runs on coffee before noon and wine after noon? Well, it’s not funny to me. Far too many mothers are chronically stressed and sleep-deprived. I’ve had enough. These mothers deserve support, not to be left to suffer alone.

If you’re a mom who wants to drink coffee and wine daily—absolutely no judgment here. However, you should not feel like you must fuel with caffeine and alcohol just to get by.

Moms deserve to sleep well, to enjoy life, not suffer through it.

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