Traveling Life Together

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Women of the Word

Maybe you were almost birthed in a pew, like me, or maybe you are just beginning your faith journey.

Either way, there is a good chance you have not read through your Bible in any purposeful order and may have found yourself skipping the more confusing or “boring” passages and books!

Why am I here?
How do I get along with the people in my life?
Where will I go when I die?

If a book claimed to answer these questions you’d probably check out the legitimacy of this source or do a quick skim.

But what if you learned that the book’s main purpose was actually about revealing the character of the author?

Jen Wilkin explains:

Every day I see how broken I am—with my flawed motives and faulty perspectives!

We can not heal our wounds or fix our cracks.

But as we get to know the dynamic heart of our Lord in Scripture, we can wake up each day in anticipation of deeper freedom and healing!

This is the hope I love to talk about.

A beautiful thing happens as we learn more about The Author; the desires of our hearts become more in step with God’s Kingdom.

This is true discipleship!

This fall, my church's women's ministry is unpacking Wilkin's rich, accessible book Women of the Word: how to study the Bible with both our hearts and our minds.

This book stirs a desire to engage with and understand Scripture in a deeper way!

But first, please reject any guilt or pressure and ask God to show you how to create more space to get to know Him through His Word.

Wilkin assures us:

Even though I grew up at church, there were seasons in my life when I read a lot about Christian themes but didn’t open my Bible consistently!

Devotionals and Christian-living books too easily took the place of Bible reading and study.

Sure, I’d open it for a feel-good verse or a specific passage for a card, but I was not experiencing the richness of Scripture in context or seeing how the Bigger Story reveals God's character!

My passion for soul care, rather than our culture’s focus on self-care, grew as I made more and more daily space for God to speak into my heart through His Word, reflective journaling, and outdoor prayer walks.

Wilkin says:

On the special occasion that I would stay overnight at my grandma’s house, I’d find her sitting in her comfy armchair, afghan hanging over the back, quietly reading her Bible in the early mornings.

She lived with a depth of understanding and trust in God because she knew His heart.

She was a woman of the Word!

Her death, over two years ago, inspired me to start this blog in the summer of 2020.

In an earlier blog post, “Starved Souls”, I share about my grandma’s example and offer practical tips for younger moms to fill their souls, extend grace for the seasons, and recognize that engaging with Scripture is an ever-changing practice.

Here again, in another season of grief, after my dad’s passing just five months ago, I am grateful for how the richness of God’s Word sustained our family through the health crisis and “valley of the shadow of death.”

My dad’s desire to see the Word of God preached and held as our standard is a blessing and a legacy I want to carry forward!

I won't spoil Wilkin's book but after she compels us to grow in our knowledge of Scripture she unpacks the FIVE 'P's to assist us in our study:

1) Study with Purpose
2) Study with Perspective
3) Study with Patience
4) Study with Process
5) Study with Prayer

This small but mighty book has accessible and life-changing chapters that take under twenty minutes to read or listen to, with questions at the end of each chapter for reflection.

I'll be sharing a weekly post (starting Oct 1st) in my church's women's Facebook group where you can join us for a discussion on each chapter with some bonus live chats (just leave the group after if you’d like)!

The Bible is a collection of 66 inspired or "God-breathed" books, translated into 704 languages.

And, yes! It is still the best-selling book in the world.

Is there a more brilliant author?

He created a treasure trove for brave souls to discover layers of revelation!

Let’s discover The Way, The Truth, and The Life together!

P.S. Over the years, God's Word has become a consistent part of my morning routine and for 2022 I've followed The Bible Recap’s chronological Bible reading plan which includes a short, daily podcast to recap and unpack the passage.

The New Testament begins on October 1st—why not finish 2022 immersed in God’s Word?

My friend Leah did a fantastic interview with Tara-Leigh Cobble, the creator of The Bible Recap! Listen in here.

I love to hear from readers. Share your reflections here in the comments or on social media!

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