laundry, home making, routine Charlene VandenBrink laundry, home making, routine Charlene VandenBrink

Easy Laundry

Is your laundry system working?

In most areas of life, a good system relieves overwhelm.

I came across the Fly Lady many years ago and appreciate the practice of daily contributions to keeping my home in order. This doesn’t mean everything is perfect all at once, but it means I have peace of mind knowing my home is being consistently maintained throughout the week.

With eight people living under one roof laundry could be a big deal—but it isn’t!

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soul care, routine, thanksgiving Charlene VandenBrink soul care, routine, thanksgiving Charlene VandenBrink

Pandemic Top 10

The world shut down just days before a romantic night out, where I envisioned holding my husband’s hand as we swayed and sang to For King & Country in concert. I was also excited for a spring weekend in Vancouver with my sisters.

If we made a list of canceled, closed, lost, or missed things because of COVID it would be endless.

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homeschooling, curriculum, routine Charlene VandenBrink homeschooling, curriculum, routine Charlene VandenBrink

HOW Do I Homeschool?

We feel the tightness in our backs, stomachs or heads as we try to decide on the right educational opportunities for our children and family in the midst of overwhelm and worldwide uncertainty. 

After you have chosen the path to home educate you may start searching for resources and discover how bountiful the materials are—decision fatigue could easily set in!

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