souful living, soul care Charlene VandenBrink souful living, soul care Charlene VandenBrink

Deeply Rooted

I quickly tossed a book into my suitcase.

It was not from my seminary reading stack but a Christmas gift I had been slowly reading over the last few months.

I didn’t expect much reading time on our five-day family getaway to the mountains for my fortieth birthday, so a book with just a few chapters left was realistic.

As one of those odd people who rarely leave a book half-baked, I was determined to finish it for the sweet taste of accomplishment more than revelation.

‘Revelation’ sounds dramatic, but that is often my experience when words and God collide.

A few weeks before, I had been complaining that God seemed distant—he wasn’t speaking to me in the usual wordy ways.

During a little break on our trip, I turned to the final chapter in The Right Kind of Confidence and read the chapter title, “Deeply Rooted Confidence.”

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